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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Graham Ellerby - shino bowl of fly ash carbon and captured



Ian Gregory is the best known of the three ceramists to participate in this exhibition. Not only is he a Fellow of the Craft Potters Association of Great Britain, but also a number of books written for potters. His work can be found in numerous public collections including the V & A Museum in London.
All work shown stoneware sculpture by both animal and human forms. This includes examples of dry ash glazes and salt-glazed work.

Ian Gregory - Dogs of War, wood-fired stoneware with dry ash glazes

Ellerby trained under Graham Henry Hammond and the Canadian potter, John Reeve, in Farnham. John had previously worked at the Leach Pottery and was a major influence in the Graham's early years. Since leaving Farnham, Graham has taught ceramics and art full-time, which does him little time to exhibit his work. It is very gratifying to be able to participate in this exhibition.
All Graham's pots are fired in a reduced wood / oil burning furnace to 1300 degrees. Some salt is added to the end of the firing and the kiln has cooled to reduce the fire by filling in boxes with wet logs. The furnace is then allowed to cool slowly, two days before the opening.

Graham Ellerby - shino bowl of fly ash carbon and captured

Clare Sutcliffe is pots for 25 years. She says she was very happy to Michael O'Brien, Michael Cardew's right to meet in Nigeria, about three years into her career. Since then he has still a constant source of inspiration and lean. Additionally she spent 18 months in 1985-86 working at the Bridge Pottery Wenford Seth Cardew's first pupil.
Clara uses local clay stream, together with bricks, clay and wood ash glazes for decoration, which they find compatible with wood-fire.

Clare Sutcliffe - ribbed vase, wood ash glaze fired in birch

Click Back to the details of the previous exhibition.

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